This Book Will Make You Mindful Resenha crítica

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This Book Will Make You Mindful - resenha crítica

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ISBN: 162365694X

Sobre o microbook

We live increasingly busy lives, and while some of us have no trouble juggling multiple responsibilities, others struggle to deal with the mounting pressures we feel from external sources, and, most importantly, from ourselves. It's not uncommon to feel buried under the weight of responsibilities and constantly feel like you're running out of time--with days, weeks, and years passing by in a blur. But don't let this discourage you--help is on its way.This compact and accessible volume will arm you with techniques that can help you change your perspective and get the most out of every moment of your life. Dr Jessamy Hibberd and Jo Usmar use the latest mindfulness techniques to teach you how to stop worrying about the future or dwelling on the past and get the most of the life you're living right now. Understanding the way your brain works will help you learn how to cope with the negatives while fully appreciating the good things in life. The result? A happier, more confident, and more productive you!

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